Love Yourself First: A Guide to Practicing Self-Love in February

Since love is on the brain, thanks to Valentine’s Day this month, let’s chat about how you can show more love to the most important person in your life. Yep, we’re talking about yourself. YOU are the most important person in your life. If you’re not showing yourself some love and taking care of yourself first, how in the world are you going to be able to take care of others to the best of your ability? 

Unfortunately, it's common for us to feel selfish for taking time out of our days to care for ourselves. You might think it’s a luxury you just don’t have the time or energy for. But, during February, what if you challenged yourself to make the time for it? We think you’d be pleasantly surprised by how much more energy you’ll actually have. 

So, if taking care of You isn’t something you’ve put too much focus into, you might be wondering where to start. How in the world do you fit more stuff into your already full days? However, it might not be about adding more to your days. Maybe you just need a little mindset shift. For instance, you are already eating every single day. That is not something you have to add to your schedule. However, are you fueling your body with foods that are nutrient-dense and give your body the energy it needs to get through the day? Or are you rushing around all day and just grazing on whatever food is the fastest to consume without any regard to how it’s helping or hurting your daily functioning? Are you taking even just 10 minutes to sit down and consume your food in a state of presence and relaxation, or are you scarfing it down in front of your computer? These things make a big difference, and just making a few little tweaks can go a long way in showing yourself the love you deserve.

Here are a few ways you can start to practice more self-love this month:

  • Like we mentioned above, slow down during meal times. Be fully present, enjoy, and appreciate your meal. This also helps your body digest your meal properly.

  • Are you providing your body with the proper fuel and nutrients it needs to sustain your energy throughout the day? Are you eating enough protein at every meal and snack? Are you getting at least 25 grams of fiber per day? Are you including at least one vegetable at every meal? These are just some of the ways nourishing your body with healthy foods means you are showing yourself some love.

  • How do you start your day? Do you wake up at the same time as the kids and immediately start in go mode (meaning you’re stressed from the time you wake up until you finally have everyone out the door and at school)? What if you started your day by showing yourself some love by getting up earlier than the kids? Can you imagine starting your day when the house is quiet, you can enjoy your warm beverage in peace, and you have some time to shift into your day slowly and with more ease? What kind of a difference do you think that would have on how you show up for the rest of the day?

  • Now, let’s go straight to your night routine. Often times, how you set yourself up for bedtime ultimately influences your morning and the next day. If you spend the evening mindlessly scrolling through social media, think about how that makes you feel? Does it make you feel anxious and maybe even a little depressed that everyone else’s life looks so perfect? Now think about how that influences your sleep. Do you wake up with those same feelings? What if you spent the evening taking care of yourself instead? Is there one act of self-care you could build into your nighttime routine that will make you feel relaxed? Maybe it’s taking a bath. Or putting on a face mask. Or finally reading the book you’ve had your eye on. Easing into bed without your screen will not only help you sleep better at night, but it will also help you wake up feeling more refreshed and optimistic in the morning.

  • Are there pockets of time throughout your day where you can meditate or focus on breathwork? This can be as simple as 2-5 minutes. We know we all have this time in our days, but typically we probably just pick up our phones and scroll aimlessly instead. Sometimes showing yourself some love is all about prioritizing the things that actually make you feel your best over the habits we just do without thinking about them.

  • And one last area we’ll touch on is movement. Are you showing your body some love by moving it as often as possible throughout the day? Always use the stairs when they are available. Add some squats or lunges when you’re cooking dinner or on the phone at work. There are a multitude of ways to add mini pockets of movement into your days. 

We hope you can see how showing yourself some love first does not have to interfere with the responsibilities you already have. In fact, by doing this, you’ll find you show up better for your loved ones and for the rest of your commitments. How will you begin your self-love journey starting today?


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